With So Many Places To Sell Your Stuff – How Can You Decide?

When it comes to places to sell your stuff online, the Big Platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, Ebay, Amazon and some others will certainly get you a lot of traffic. People who search on these sites for something you have in your shop, or something close to it are likely to see you show up in the results. Of course someone else may have something in the results too just like your “one-of-a-kind” item. So what does that tell you? If you sell on only one site, there could be a lot of competition for what you have to offer. Be it one-of-a-kind, vintage or new and branded, there will be others.

And so if you’re like many online eCommerce sellers, you list your “Stuff” to sell on multiple sites. But it’s not easy. Basically you have two options to list on multiple eCommerce websites.

  • Pay for a service that will take your listings and put them up on 2, 3 or 4 eCommerce websites.
  • The old DIY – do the multiple eCommerce platform listing yourself.

Each method has it’s pros and cons. Take a look…

Pay for a Service to Multi-List:
Pros Cons
Relatively easy. You send your listing with title, description, photos, prices etc., and let the Service do the work of putting the item up on multiple sites. These Services are not cheap, at least for most small to medium volume online sellers. Many charge a Monthly Fee in the $300.00 + range. And they typically only list on a few different sites.
DIY – Do the multiple eCommerce platform listing yourself:
Pros Cons
Little to no cost. Some sites charge nothing to list (only pay a fee when a sale is made), others charge a small listing fee. Every time you make a sale, you must make sure to remove it yourself from the others sites you have it listed on. Tedious.

What’s The Best Way To List On Multiple eCommerce Websites?

The best way to list on multiple ecommerce websites is…Well that depends on you. You want to save money on listing and make the most profit on each sale – And you want it to be easy to do. However you must choose which is most important and make your listing decisions based on that.

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