Websites Move To Open Source And Everyone Wins
The Internet is moving towards Open Standards and Open Source software rapidly
Open Source software is used extensively on our projects. Open Source means a production and development environment that is exposed to innovation, and transparent to advances in technology. Free from the constraints of proprietary architectures and languages. With Open Source, “the code belongs to you”.
Simply put, Open Source keeps your costs low, while taking advantage of a World Wide network of the best web developers available.
Google believes that open source is good for everyone. By being open and freely available, it enables and encourages collaboration and the development of technology, solving real world problems. -Google website
The History of free and open-source software
In the 1950s and 1960s, computer operating software was delivered as a part of hardware purchases without separate fees. At the time, source code, the human-readable form of software, was generally distributed with the software providing the ability to fix bugs or add new functions. Many of the modifications developed by universities were openly shared, in keeping with the academic principles of sharing knowledge, and organizations sprung up to facilitate sharing. As large-scale operating systems matured, fewer organizations allowed modifications to the operating software, and eventually such operating systems were closed to modification. However, utilities and other added-function applications were still shared and new organizations were formed to promote the sharing of software.
Open source gained tremendous hold and widespread use with the rise of the Internet
The Open-source software movement
The open-source software movement is a movement that supports the use of open-source licenses for some or all software. The open-source movement was started to spread the concept/idea of open-source software. Programmers who support the open-source movement philosophy contribute to the open-source community by voluntarily writing and exchanging programming code for software development. The term “open source” requires that no one can discriminate against a group in not sharing the edited code or hinder others from editing their already-edited work. This approach to software development allows anyone to obtain and modify open-source code. These modifications are distributed back to the developers within the open-source community of people who are working with the software. This method makes it difficult to establish ownership of a particular bit of code but is in keeping with the open-source movement philosophy. These goals promote the production of “high quality programs” as well as “working cooperatively with other similarly minded people” to improve open-source technology.
The Open Source Movement created equal opportunities for people all over the world to participate in the global economy.
The label “open source” was created and adopted by a group of people in the free software movement at a strategy session held at Palo Alto, California. One of the reasons behind using the term was that “the [advantage] of using the term open source [is] that the business world usually tries to keep free technologies from being installed.” Those people who adopted the term used the opportunity to free themselves of the ideological and confrontational connotations of the term “free software”. Later in February 1998, Bruce Perens and Eric S. Raymond founded an organization called Open Source Initiative (OSI) “as an educational, advocacy, and stewardship organization at a cusp moment in the history of that culture.”
The Strengths of Open Source
What Open Source Means For You And Your Website
The Open Source Movement has allowed smaller businesses to participate in the global economy. Before smaller businesses did not have access to the software needed to participate or compete in the global market. It was the larger corporations, the producers of the networks and software who had the power. The creation of the Open Source Movement has created “a degree of global computing access that might have been unthinkable in a world where proprietary was the only option.” Individuals or organizations with access to an open source had the means needed to develop technical material for a variety of consumers. The Open Source Movement created equal opportunities for people all over the world to participate in the global economy.

The open source mission statement promises better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to the large corporation and government monopoly of the internet.
Simply put, Open Source keeps your costs low, while taking advantage of a World Wide network of the best web developers available today. Visit our VMPlus Home Page where you can find more information about our open source approach.